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"My Nature" will be hosting a series of events to help raise money for our staff to attend Hippocrates Health Institute.

They will be able to be educated about lifetyle changes and daily techniques that can help play a major role in wiping out disease and healthier alternatives on this planet. The staff will then be able to bring back these tools that they have learned and share them with the community.


OCTOBER 4th-6th- "WOMEN'S RETREAT WEEKEND"- Includes women of all ages; Mother's, Daughter's, Grand Mom's and infants. This weekend will be a reconnection with one another in sisterhood. There will be scheduled plant walks, cordage (rope), basket making, and raw food preparation. Music and storytelling around the camp fire at night, so bring an instrument if you can. The cost for this weekend is $200.00 per person, children under 13 are free. Each child must be accompianed by an adult. For more details, contact Janet Phillips @ 410-289-1605.


OCTOBER 27th-6:30 pm until ?- "COSTUME BALL"- This fantastic party will be at the home of Shirley Phillips. There will be music, dancing and lots of singing! Prizes will be based on the most creative costumes. The Grand Prize will be a one week stay in West Palm Beach Florida. The cost for The event is $50.00 per person.


October 24th- 5:30 pm- "THANKFUL FOR ABUNDANCE DINNER"- There will be a gathering for the comunity to enjoy the blessings and bounty that are unconditionally delivered to us daily. This event will be held at My Nature and the cost is $25.00 per person. Children under the age of 15 are free.





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